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Sunday, May 1, 2011


This has been a long time thirst for me to talk or write on – what are the alternative careers in Science? I know it is a broader topic, but at least to be specific, I think it is high time to write this for those who are in the high school, and on the way to obtain a bachelor degree. You may ask why you are writing this here. This is where I can pour my thoughts out, and if you have chosen or liked or ‘destined’ to read this, you may well take it to them somehow, as you and me are science lovers after all. I hope you will not disagree, at least not your conscience.

My current job
I am a researcher now in Biophysics. How did I end up in this field? To tell this, I have to most importantly tell you that, I am from a middle class family in India. Again you may wonder what it is. Yes, this is how India was, is and who knows, probably will. Such a family will have money little more than poor and far lesser than the rich; they have dreams of changing the world, but most often tied up within their hearts, if they are there after the heavy social pressures and impacts. From such a family, quite realistically I had lot of dreams during my school days. I was brought up as a child who was not allowed to focus on anything but my subjects. And that is how the situation is in India, even now among many parents. They have certain dreams on us, which is not complainable, as they might not have achieved it due to their family and social pressures. Many a times they fail to realize that every generation has its own ability to think and decide for itself. However, after all they are ready to invest on our dreams or theirs, most probably.

What are their dreams after all? In their generation, at least the past, where my parents belong to, they dream their children to be doctors or engineers mostly. The vast number of private medical and engineering colleges in India, or specifically in South India, is the evidence. I do not complain these professions as worse than something else, but obviously if a particular career is overly taken by many people, the reputation of the profession might be lost down the time period, and many other equally prestigious careers may extinct soon. Then India will only be the home of doctors and engineers, some of them spoiling the country without following the ethics. Anyway, back to my point, from such a family, my parents also had dreams about me to become one of the two: engineer or a doctor. Yes, I am happy that, at least they gave me a choice. But they did not think of the choice C. Nevertheless, I wanted to be a doctor, but my marks were not that high according to the education board, which decides my potential only by marks. How pathetic it is! It can be true to a certain extent, but there are other options.

However, I decided to enter into an arts and science college, instead of engineering or medical college, for a bachelor degree. The head of my department then was literally forcing me to go out of the college and give way to the students who scored far lesser than me, for some reasons. I rejected to quit and continued the same course I have taken – Botany, which is my passionate subject (I do not know whether I can call like that) forever. Then I decided to continue that with master’s education and got inspired from several sources that research would be suitable for me. I was not sure though, even then. However, I entered into a research career, as I was much fascinated in the physics of biochemistry (in other words, Molecular Biophysics). Though I like working in this field, I do not enjoy the experiments to the core as much as I enjoy eating or sleeping or watching movies, or more importantly reading and writing. But still I love Science. What is my alternate career then? 

My interest as a science writer
As I told you before, I enjoy reading and writing. Reading is one’s own interest, but I am one of those people who cannot stop after reading. I have to pour out what I have read, blended with my thoughts to the people out on the earth, no matter whether somebody bothers to read it or not! Nevertheless, some people do read, who, I will not say them as my followers, but who share my views, for example, may be YOU! So, I decided to be a science writer, even if not possible immediately after my current job, definitely soon down in time.

My interests are generally in almost all the fields of science, specifically natural resources for human use – be it medical or food. Moreover, every sensible human being (I do not mention as educated, on purpose, as there are many uneducated tribes who are very sensible than the ‘educated’, in conserving the nature, which I will write in a different article) can think of the philosophy of every science – how and why should we do it, what is the end use, who are the end-users, and more importantly how do we take it to them. Despite the philosophies are mentioned simply here, are open for debate and discussion, which I hope will be the follow ups for this article.

So, thanks to my readers, I hope I will be a good science writer. But here, I have mentioned only my experience. What are the other possible careers in science, than getting trained as a doctor or an engineer or a researcher? There can be many, but to my thoughts and knowledge I am listing some below. 

Alternative careers in Science
1.      Science Teaching – This is another favorite of mine. I was inspired by my teachers a lot, after my mother, the power of teaching. How can it change the minds of budding talents! When it comes to science, it is the need of the hour, before the creationists propagate bad or false science. So those who are interested and think that they can really create an impact on the budding talents, this would be a promising career. There are certain universities which give proper training, which is just to shape the existing talent to take it in a trendy, right way to the pupils. (More about this as a separate article, coming soon)

2.      Nature Fashioner – As a Botanist, I was always awestruck by the patterns Nature reveals. I always loved my plant anatomy classes where we dissect different parts of plants and observe under a compound microscope. Though not hi-fi, even those observations astounded me. I knew I am not a good fashion designer, but those who are interested, and have learned from science, can definitely reproduce or ‘create’ patterns inspired by the Nature. I am talking only about plants here. Even if you observe your own skin under microscope, it reveals different patterns, depends on how you see it. If one has a talent in observing and producing it efficiently, this can be a bright career. The same applies for a crystallographer or a particle physicist or a biochemist that sees a pattern in his pathways!

3.      Science Animator – You are a sciencephiliac, but not interested in teaching or writing, and have an interest in computer-aided animations. Then you will never be jobless. If you have noticed several science journals and famous books on different topics in science, they are written with supporting illustrations and animations, which are very essential in explaining a concept. If you have basic knowledge in a subject, and know the techniques, definitely there are many book companies who want you. I do not have a list, but the easiest way is to approach them. Technically, you shall be trained in any relevant software – for example, Adobe Creative Suite that provides solution to various creative designing challenges. Definitely this can be applied in Science too!

 4.      Nature/Science Photography – This is not new, but already being done by many leading television channels and magazines. The most notable one is the National Geographic. It has its magazine along with television programs. The magazine is quite stunning to hold and look with its beautiful photographs. If you are interested and have some experience, create a portfolio and contact such companies. Then you will not be unemployed! One of my premier interests is Nature Photography. Being trained as a biologist, I have only the eyes of a biologist, other than the common photographic interests on certain objects. However there is considerable number of opportunities for those who are interested not only in Nature, but also others – engineering stuff, for example. To me, there is no boundary if you are a good photographer with a bunch of talents and experience.

5.      Science Journalism – This might be new to some, but if you have already known about the popular science magazines such as New Scientist and Scientific American to mention, and have some examples of your science writing, then there is an opportunity. If one cannot at once get a promising career in it, upon experience and establishing contacts would definitely help. A minor difference between this career and general science writing is – one can choose to write science columns for newspapers or science magazines; he/she need not only write science books or essays other than freelancing. With a flavor of journalism, it would come out colorful.

 6.      Science Education Consultant – This is apt for those who have many contacts with leading institutes or universities, or at least know about them up-to-date, and would love to bring a change in science education. But nowadays consultancies, at least in some parts of India, are least trusted due to covet on the money from the eager, dreaming parents and students. If and when there are strong regulations truly controlled by government, this will be a promising career.

7.      Science Publishing (incl. editing & reviewing) – This is for those who are good in language, most commonly English, with the eyes of an editor. The job of an editor, according to me, is enjoyable if you are open to read and grasp scientific stuff, most commonly in your field. For example, if I like to be an editor, then I can choose those journal companies that are looking for an editor for a particular journal, eg. Biophysical Journal. However, there are certain companies that expect a little bit of experience. Usually such experiences come through internships. Many scientific book and journal publishers advertise periodical internships, mostly summer. Real talents are screened properly and are trained. So it is definitely not impossible!
8.      Creative Science Specialist – This is my term basically addressing the job of a technology transfer official in an university or a research institute, who might be trained as a journalist or a science journalist to be precise (though not necessary!). As far as I know and heard from the Western world, the universities with such departments are popular among the public. The job is not only transferring the research updates to the public through the newspapers, but also could be one in a team that organizes public science lectures, periodically. Here, I have to mention that I am quite satisfied with this activity in our Aarhus University, where there are public science lectures held commonly. Special transportation is offered by the state to encourage people to get educated in science. If a society is strongly founded on the basis of science, with humane thoughts, that would be a creative society.

9.      Scientific Personality Development – Personality development is one of the mantras of the corporate world. What is it to do with science? Why not? If you consider my story, I ended up in the field of research partly based on my interest, but without proper guidance on scientific attitude and approach – in other words – an unrealistic dream. Dreaming on a career is good, but if it is not realistic, then there is no use of investing time and money on that. Hence it is important to test, reassure and shape up the attitudes of science graduates. This not only brushes up what they really can do with science, but also how. Those who have experience in different fields (of careers) in science are suitable for this job. However it is very important to mention that this job is suitable for an advanced level of personality – those who know what they are doing and talking! However, this is a promising career.

10.      Scientific Social Responsibility (SSR) – Scientific research is a field that creates knowledge, though not from the scratch, can be said as re-structuring the knowledge. This is possible by the advanced technologies advent these days and is not new. But the knowledge the researchers produce: are they completely relevant to the society? For example, there are various debates on NASA research on exobiology, though it is useful to understand the existence of the earth and to investigate whether we are alone or accompanied by any others in this universe (or the multiverse). Hence the philosophy of the field I am mentioning here is also not new. In fact, every researcher should have this SSR. However, due to their busy schedules of experiments and conferences, it can be given to those people who do not like to work in lab, like me, for example, to evaluate and report the public, after all the researchers use their tax money. Tying up this with technology transfer department, it is not impossible. There can be a full article written on this, but for now, I hope this link on SSR would be helpful to get introduced.

11.      Medical tourismThe term is not new, but the idea might be. Already there are several websites talking about this. My intention here is on the traditional medicine systems of India or any other country. First of all the traditional medical systems in India are world famous and the principles seem to be included in modern medical research. This field is for those who love natural resources for medicines and traveling to find, showcase, educate on, and preserve those resources. Many institutions nowadays are trying their hands on, for example, medicinal plants found in their locality. If such institutions have a tie-up among them, each locality has a wealth of such natural resources for medicines. Another idea is to talk to the local public who sometimes are expert in finding and using such resources. Collaborations with the public and among the institutions which take part, various activities can be organized in different localities – schools, colleges, universities as workshops. This could create awareness. Such activities in long term could attract either indigenous or foreign enthusiasts to get a big boom – both as a career and a change in the society.

12.      Science tourismThis is a bit different from the medical tourism, though the latter can be included in this if possible. The primary aim of this career can be showing the motivation towards basic science, which is important to be educated properly to the children. An individual with such an interest, along with his/her talents in reading, writing, advertising and speech, can get a career in various science museums as curators and/or guides. This is a valuable job – where you not only explain scientific stuff to others, but when questioned, especially by the school children can learn and think a lot. Money plus education! Also periodically the science museums could have seasonal exhibits, which attract not only the public, but also some sciencephiliacs. For example, I was attracted recently by the Body Worlds museum in Copenhagen, by the world famous anatomist Dr. Gunther von Hagens. This museum is held worldwide. Working in such places could fetch great contacts, which may change the path or career. This is again, a vast topic, which could be a separate article.

Just to spice up, also there are certain places in the world which are evolutionarily important. For example in the USA, the famous Grand Canyon in Arizona is an abode of evolutionary evidences of millions of years. This is not only a spectacular sight to view, but also to learn. Another example in Europe is, Møns Klint in Denmark, which is famous for being a graveyard of pre-historic animals. In India, there are many places – a few for example are: Gulf of Mannar, Western Ghats, and Ariyalur (a town engulfing evolutionary evidences of life). So choices are out there, we just have to think and pick!

13.      Musicology – Now you may wonder that I have jumped into a completely different field. Yes! But I would not completely agree this difference in field. Any field, except theology, according to me, there can be a scientific approach. Music is not an exception. Making and listening to music is part of our brain’s activity. In fact the neurotype (like the genotype and phenotype) of brain of every individual is different as everyone has different tastes for different types of music. Again, a whole article can be written on this. However in short, the science of music basically is either physics if you consider it as mere a sound; or the physiology of music in your body or the reactions to music by your body. I am providing only two examples, but there are many fields involved. This multidisciplinary approach is exploited for many purposes – music therapy, aesthetics, speech training or other neurological training to the disabled, and so on… 

14.      Voice Trainer – This is one of my recent fascinations. I love music – like to listen and sing. But until I was drawn attention to a popular Indian TV show, I did not know about this field. A physicist or a sound specialist or a sound engineer who is interested in music, can definitely get an alternative career being a voice trainer. This inspiration came from a leading voice trainer of India, Ananth Vaidhyanathan, who is a part of that TV show. It is yet another physical training – instead of training your whole body in a gym, you train your voice, if you want to be a vocalist, from a trainer, who knows the anatomy and physiology of voice production and manipulation. Sounds interesting, right?!

15.      Scientific Research Consultant (SRC) – If I am given a chance to be a SRC, I would love to do. Ask me why? I love to think about science, or my favorite subjects, to be precise, but do not like to work in lab. I love thinking, and based on my research experience I get some ideas, though not groundbreaking, to a certain extent, realistic enough to do experiments and get benefitted. If you are one like me, then we should find opportunities on this. Our job can be: think realistically on projects, propose to relevant scientists with as much details as possible, write grants along with them, and that is all we have to do. There are already similar careers in this field, which are meant as challenges. The best example is Innocentive, a concern which deals with the scientific and legal issues on research aspects on any topic to the solvers, who are supposed to sign into a deal thereby proposing ideas and projects in different levels.

16.      Cookery Science (Intelligent cooking) – I can feel your eyebrows up! Yes, why not?! Already people use cooking in terms of dietetics; in addition if the people who are interested in cooking and deeply think about the science of it, it is possible to combine with the dieticians and make a difference in cooking. For instance, explaining the physics of cooking – best example is frying: it is a process of removing water from food (dehydration), to mention crude. If we go on explaining the physics and chemistry of cooking, and the culinary, the field of dietetics can be enriched.

17.      Synergistic Science Business Solutions – This can be a cooperative business. A few or some of the like-minded people can start a kind of self-help group business, investing in one or a few of the relevant combinations of the above mentioned different careers. This is up to one’s imagination, availability or resources and the geographic area in which they start the business.

18.      Innovation Law – This is also not new on earth. Those who have a background in science, sensibly and with a little bit of training in law, can join the government or non-government firms to file patents, IPR and the relevant for scientific purposes. Though I am not the right person to elaborate on this, a group of suitable people can also start their private business on this field. More details on Innovation Law can be found here.

The listed alternative careers are probably a few that occurred in my mind, than many others. However, depending upon the creativity of an individual who wants to set up a career in science, but not the conventional ones, I believe this would be a good eye-opener. There are also many websites shedding lights on various topics, including the very article on alternative careers in science. But some of the entries in the list I have put down here are unique. At the same time, I would be very happy to know more from you if you have more ideas on this topic.

Saturday, April 2, 2011


Can you imagine a day at some point in your life, reading the headlines of all the world newspapers and the television news rooms howling the ’sad’ demise of these precious, yet the most perverted medicaments? Ouff!!! I cannot imagine at all. But what if there are no antibiotics? Did not people before 1942 (when the term antibiotic was officially coined and ramified) survived the absence of or at a meager presence of these chemicals? Yes, I can hear you raising your tone on the death of populations due to many infections. But what if it happens? Cannot we agree it as part of the evolution and evolvability? After all, everything has to undergo at least a temporary shift to the nature’s recycle bin. Can our ‘human’ minds accept this, even though our Homo sapien(s) brain does? Wow! Wow!! Wait a minute! Are you wondering why am I laddering up so many questions? I am just trying to remind myself (yes) and ask you probably, why should we worry too much about the lack of antibiotics? Shouldn’t we allow the nature to handle it? One side of me says YES, but as a trained researcher in novel antibiotics, my scientific brain says: “Well, try your best before Nature takes its full toll”! The latter imbrues me better. But before going deeper into these ‘novel’ antibiotics let me try to tell you something…

Trip down the memory lane (or scroll down Wikipedia like me), how many researchers have put their valuable time and money on discovering new antibiotics? But the microbes are very powerful to overmaster our discoveries, as many of us know that they evolve resistance to almost all of these precious medicines. The best example is the famous Staphylococcus aureus (‘friendly’ called as the staph. See figure). After all, this is part and parcel of evolution – it is their life or death (or, survival or extinction) war – for the microbes. Whatever new targets on the bacteria or the compounds we discover against these targets, the microbes WILL evolve resistance. However, we cannot stop working on the discovery. But are we on the right path? At least this question is for those pharmaceutical companies that would like to follow the neo-conventional path – the in silico approach on the drug discovery. If you are wondering what I am talking about, here it is in simple words: Using computer programs to ‘predict’ the action of the novel compounds (as their chemical structures) on the microbial targets. The targets can be the genetic machinery of the microbes like DNA, RNA and ribosome (the protein-kitchen) or less-genetic, like the cell membranes.

To make it much clearer, the conventional way of the pharmaceutical companies to ‘discover’ and/or market the new antibiotic is, the researchers have to find the source, mostly natural or nature inspired chemicals. Yes, here is the problem. Natural products have many chemicals in them. Upon various methodological, clever scientific experiments the researchers find an active compound from the natural product and claim that that is responsible for the medicinal property. Partly true! But how many researchers or companies are willing to compare the effect of the ‘active’ compound with the natural extract, which has both the active and pro-active compounds? For example, studies have shown that the famous curcumin from Curcuma longa (turmeric) is active against many pathogenic instances. Upon comparing the pure curcumin and the whole turmeric, the effect seems to be much better with the whole turmeric.

Also, the experimental conditions in majority do not consider the wholesomeness of the biological system they are targeting. What we call as in vitro study is trying to mimic the natural soup with different kinds of chemicals and buffering them to a certain pH. But is that all what we have to consider? Here I should bow my head before those scientists who (also) consider the so called in vivo approach, where they include the actual biological entity to study the effect of whatever they try to discover or explain. But the above-mentioned neo-conventional approach on novel antibiotics cannot promise a ‘better’ antibiotic down the time. There is a natural rush for the companies to release the product as a pioneer, but how many think about the true effects? Does not it sound like Monsanto’s killer seed idea? Of course, I agree that they are after all business oriented to a major extent. In that case, why should not we re-think about the approach and make it a sensible, effective and yet much profitable? I know, already it takes at least a decade to get a whole picture of a potential drug compound, whether it can be taken to trials or ditch it to a ditch. And yes, time is ticking! We are already in the red-hot region of the demise of the existing antibiotics, including the ones used as last resort. But then, what could be the alternative?

Coming back to the day without antibiotics, now I think you can guess the seriousness and why I hastily write this. Yes, we need to re-think the approaches, and re-design the ethical and political ‘rules’ to make it reasonably faster and having minimal loss to the epidemics and pandemics. What are they? Do you want to think about it? May be all of us should…

I have some in the list. I will wait until a considerable number of people comment on it with varied ideas. Then we can try to put everything together. Who knows? WE may be able to ‘enlighten’ the policy makers and the money makers too – as researchers or in general, SCIENCEPHILIACS!

See you soon!